Cape Cod Whale Watching Experience May Through October 2025
One of the most wondrous experiences in nature is watching a majestic whale leap for joy out of the Atlantic Ocean. It’s even better seeing the new baby whales tagging along. How can something so large be so cute? For a more romantic adventure, try the sunset whale watcher cruise.
Did you know you can add-on discounted whale watching tickets to your stay? We’ll help you arrange a time for an experience you’ll not soon forget. The Hyannis Whale Watcher Cruises is mid-capes only whale watch and departs just a short drive from the Inn. If you catch an early whale watch, we’ll even will pack your breakfast to go! Have friends locally who want to go with you? Additional special offer tickets can be purchased by calling the Inn directly at (508) 744-7546.
So book your stay and add-on a whale watching experience!